Minggu, 30 Juni 2013


  • when the first time I saw you,
    I thought you were ordinary,
    but the time shows you are special.

    this feeling was too late and too hard.
    too late to be wiped,
    too hard to be forgotten
    and too hard for our distinction.

    with great effort I've ever tried
    but I don't know why it was so hard
    and then the hopeless feeling about you came back

    this long road gives a hopeless slumber
    only me who tried to preserve

    I'm down , down
    I'm not tired
    it's just despaired
    there wouldn't be a better future
    for us to be together.

Sabtu, 29 Juni 2013


Dance is 

Human movement, that is formalized ,by being stylized or performed in certain patterns, with such qualities as grace, elegance, and beauty, to the accompaniment of music or other rhythmic sounds, for the purpose of telling a story and/or for the purpose of communicating or expressing human emotions, themes, or ideas, and with the aid of mime, costumes, scenery, and lighting.


Traditional dance is one kind of dances which is long standing. This was passed down from generation to generation . A traditional dance usually contains philosophical, simbolic and religious values. All of the range of motions in traditional dance, formation, custome and make up has not changed since long time ago. 


Traditional classical dance was developed by the nobility palace dancers. Rules dances usually raw or should not be changed anymore. His movements were graceful and fashion tend to be luxurious. Function: as a means of ceremonies or welcoming guests of honor. Example: Kelana Mask Dance (West Java), Bedhaya, Srimpi (Central Java), Sang Hyang (Bali), Pakarena and pajaga (South Sulawesi)


Developing among the common people. Movements tend to be danced with musical accompaniment as well. Relatively simple fashion. Often danced at the celebration as a social dance. Example: Jaipongan (West Java), umbrella (Malay), wax (West Sumatra)


Dance is a dance that is detached from the raw standard. Designed by creative choreographer in accordance with the conditions of the situation while maintaining its artistic value. Dance creations either as major appearance as a dance background and until now continues to evolve with varying musical accompaniment, so that the term modern dance. . Dance creations In outline can be divided into two groups, namely:

1. New Creative Dance patterned Tradition
That is dance creations which it's choreography  based on the principles of traditional dance, both in choreography, music / musical, makeup and fashion, as well as her stage layout techniques. Although there does not eliminate esensiketradisiannya development.

2. New Creative Dance Tradition patterned (Non Tradition)
Create a choreography dance break away from traditional patterns both in terms of choreography, music, makeup and fashion, as well as her stage layout techniques. Although this dance does not use traditional patterns, does not mean at all to use the elements of dance traditions, might still use it depends on the concept of the idea of ​​tenants. This dance is also called modern dance, the term is derived from the Latin words "modo" which means just.

Movements associated with contemporary dance choreography symbolic storytelling with a unique style and a full interpretation. Often required special knowledge to enjoy it. accompaniment is also used many unorthodox as songs from the simple to use as a computer music program Flutyloops.


Dialogue about Expression

Dialogue about Expression 
by Vonny & Septiana (8E)
Vonny: hey !
Ibah   : hey Vonny !how are you?
Vonny: fine. Thank’s,and you?
Ibah   : fine too. What are you doing here?
Vonny: I am buying some movie CD.
Ibah   : is it horror?
Vonny: no. This is about detective. His name is conan
Ibah   : really? what do you think about this movie?
Vonny: I’ do not really know about this movie but i think it’s cool.and you?
Ibah   : ouh, I think this is very interesting.
Vonny: Bah, what movie do you like? maybe we can find it?
Ibah   : wow ! it’s good idea. i like twilight movies. Can I have that book beside you?
Vonny: oh take this book.,let’s go to the casier?  Do you agree if we go to a restaurant?
 Iba    : ya,why not?
Vonny: What would you like to eat?
Ibah   : just spagetti, you?
Vonny: fried fries and tea. let me give you some drink?
Ibah   : no,thank you.
Vonny: oh ok, after eating, can you come to my house?
Ibah   : oh oke, I will come. And I will pay it
Vonny: eh,what are you feelings about my new shoes?
Ibah   : in my opinion, it’s too big.
Vonny: I don’t think so, I think this shoes fits in my feet.
Ibah   : eh Vonny,  can you help me,something?
Vonny: What can i do to help, you?
Ibah   : I want to call my father.
Vonny: that’s very kind of you, but ...I don’t have handphone.
Ibah   : oh it’s oke. But I can’t come to your house. I’m sorry
Vonny: oh allright, What about next week?
Ibah   : I like it, bye
Vonny: bye

Soal Bahasa Inggris

            Hello, my name is Dodi. I have a big family. I have a father. His name is Mr. Bejo. I have a mother. Her name is Mrs. Yuanita. I have a brother. His name is Bagio. I have a sister. Her name is Sonia. I am twelve years old. I am in the sixth class. Bagio is in the first class of junior high school and Sonia is in the first class of senior high school.
I. choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, c, or d!
1. What is the best title of the text above?
     a. Big family                  b. Your family                c. Our family               d. My family
2. Who is Dodi’s brother?
     a. Yuanita                       b. Bejo                            c. Sonia                       d. Bagio
3.  A   : …. Class is Sonia?
     B   : She is in the first class of senior high school.
     a. what time                   b. how                            c. what                        d. where
4.  A   : Does Dodi have two sister?
     B  : ….
     a. Yes, she does             b. Yes, he does               c. No, she doesn’t       d. No, she doesn’t
5. Dodi is Mrs. Yuanita’s ….
     a. niece                           b. daughter                     c. nephew                    d. son
6.  Tutut : Yesterday is Sunday, what day is it tomorrow?
     Ria    : It is …
     a. Monday                      b. Saturday                     c. Friday                      d. Thursday
7.  Alvin : Hello, my name is Alvin.
     Eva      : Hi, …. I am Eva.
     Alvin                              : How do you do?
     a. How do you do?        b. Goodbye                    c. Thank you               d. How are you?
8. It is sixthteen of May two thousand of two. Yesterday was …
     a. fifthteen of April two thousand and two         c. seventh of May two thousand and eight
     b. seventh of April two thousand and eight         d. fifthteen of May two thousand and two
9. We smell a perfume with our …
     a. ears                             b. nose                            c. mouth                      d. hand
10. Eko have breakfast in the …
     a. living room                 b. bathroom                    c. dining room             d. bedroom
11. Mr. Joko is Erma’s ….                                                 Mr. Joko                    Mrs. Betty 
     a. uncle                           c. nephew
     b. grandfather                d. father
                                                                                                     Erma                Dino
12.                                 Tono    : What flower do you like?
                                      Tini                                       : I like ….
                                      a. rose                     b. water lily                    c. jasmine                   d. tulip
13. Eleven times four is ….
     a. forty four                    b. fourteen                      c. twenty four             d. thirty four
14. I am animal.
      I am can run fast.  Have two red eyes. I have long ears and I like to eat carrot very much.
      I am …
     a. rabbit                          b. elephant                      c. monkey                    d. dog
15.                                 Andrew likes wearing … to the beach.
                                      a. Pajamas                            c. uniform
                                      b. skirt                                  d. T-shirt

16. Teacher    : In what month we celebrate Independent day?
      Students   : We celebrate it on …
     a. December                   b. August                       c. April                        d. arch
17. Today is cloudy. Today is …

a. cloudy                             b. rainy                           c. sunny                       d. windy
18.  Yoyok always study every night and he also do his homework.
       He is a …. Student.
     a. lazy                             b. diligent                       c. kind                         d. careless
19.                                                   The woman is sitting in the … of the computer.
                                                        a. under              c. next to
                                                        b. in front of       d. beside

20.  Nuno    : ….
       Juno      : We will go to Bali Island next  holiday.
     a. with whom will we go to the Bali Island?        c. where will we go next holiday?
     b. who will go to Bali Island next holiday?          D. how will we go to Bali Island?
21.  Mrs. Bensy and friends will go to Semarang by ….
     a. plane                     c. car
     b. motorcycle           d. bicycle
22. There are …. Months in two years.
     a. twenty four                b. twelve                        c. seven                       d. sixty
23. Mr. Kojak works in the market. He is a/an …
     a. policeman                   b. nurse                           c. butcher                    d. porter
24. I like swimming. I go to swimming pool every Sunday. My hobby is ….
     a. climbing                      b. hiking                         c. jogging                    d. swimming
25. It is January. The next month is…
     a. March                         b. February                     d. May                         d. April
26. Mrs. Iis is a teacher. She is working in the …
     a. field                            b. school                         c. bank                         d. market
27. We usually go to this place to buy some vegetables and fruits. It is a …
     a. green grocery              b. post office                  c. barbershop               d. hospital
28. A  : where is the bank?
      B : It is … the school.
     a. in front of                   c. next                                      bank            school         
     b. beside                         d. behind
29. Toti       : … is a kilogram of grape?
      Richard : It is fifteen thousand rupiah.
     a. how many?                 b. how old?                    c. how much?              d. how far?
30. The … is the eighth month.
     a. September                  b. January                       c. November                d. August
31. Hinata is … the floor now.
     a. sweeps                        b. sweep                         c. swept                       d. sweeping
32. A  : ….
       B : They are swimming in Koak swimming pool now.
     a. how they go to swimming pool?                       c. when do they swimming in the swimming pool?
     b. what do they go to swimming pool?                d. what are they doing in the swimming pool?
33. I have a mother. My father’s mother is my …
     a. granddaughter            b. son                              c. grandmother            d. stepmother
34. today – what – it – day – is - ?
     a. what day is it today?                                         c. what is it today day?           
     b. what today it is day?                                        d. what today is it day?
35. We celebrate Education Day on twentieth of …
     a. January                       b. March                         c. April                        d. May

II. Fill the blanks carefully!
36. March, May, …. , September
37. Seto : Is it seventh of January?
       Rima: No, …
38. Riki  : …. ?
       Nia   : Yesterday is Friday.
39. My sister likes playing golf very much.
       Her hobby is ….
40. A  : Tomorrow is Saturday. What day is it today?
       B : It is ….
41. What date is today? it is … of …                             SENIN
42. Jido  : The month is November. What month is it next month?
      Tokai : It is ….
43. Three, six, nine, … , fifteen.
44. Teacher   : Do we celebrate Independence Day on December twentieth?
       Student  : No, ….
45. My mother’s sister is my …
III. Answer the question below!
46. A  : What day is it today?   SELASA
        B  : ….                                         3 September

47. Rearrange the jumble words! (Susunlah kata-kata acak di bawah ini!)
       The – in – post – She – work – office.
48. Tourist     : When were you born?
       Student   : ….
49. A  : When we celebrates the Kartini’s Day?
       B : ….
50. Make a sentence base on the following words!
     a. sing
     b. write